Table of Savings

Look at the savings

A typical example of possible savings using our product given an average usage. Note that the grocery discount alone more than covers membership cost, emphasising the cost effectiveness of our product. It really is a money saving no-brainer!

Service Before Discount After Discount Saving
4% Discount
$300 / week =
$15,600 / year
$15,600 $14,976 $624
5% Discount
60 Litres / week
x 2 cars ...
120 Litres / week
6,240 Litres / year
@$1.40 per Litre
$8,736 $8,299 $437
Family Holiday
Average 35% Discount
Attractions & Food
$5,000 $3,250 $1,750
Cinema Tickets / Entertainment
35% Discount
$1,000 / year
$1,000 $650 $350
Dine out twice per month
spending a total of $200.
Save $25 / visit = $50 / month
$2,400 $1,800 $600
Total $32,736 $28,819 $3,761

Try it out yourself!

Enter your approximate spend to find out how much you will save with The Ambassador Card.

Everyday Expenses* Monthly Spend Monthly Savings Yearly Savings
Dining Out
Movie Tickets
Beer, Wine & Spirits
Clothes and Accessories
Homewares and Electronics
Health and Beauty
Gifts and Presents
Annual Expenses* Annual Spend    
Car Hire
Total Potential Saving*

*The numbers shown are estimates of potential savings per month and/or per year with YONDA membership based upon the nominated spend for each category. Actual savings will depend upon individual circumstances, including actual spend and usage of YONDA benefits. The discounts for each category vary. YONDA benefits are accessed via a variety of methods including discounted gift cards and vouchers, show and save and promotion codes.